
Showing posts from July, 2018

Xiaomi MI A2 variants will not be launched in India?


How to embed Facebook page, like, share button, comment box etc to your website or blog?

Hi guys, Today I am going to show you, how you can embed Facebook page, comments, posts, like button, group plugins, save button, share button and video player to your website of blog. So, let us begin with embedding a Facebook page. To do so, you can use the code below: <iframe src = " example &tabs=timeline&width=340&height=130&small_header=false&adapt_container_width=true&hide_cover=false&show_facepile=true&appId" width = "340" height = "130" style = " border : none ; overflow : hidden " scrolling = "no" frameborder = "0" allowTransparency = "true" allow = "encrypted-media" ></iframe> Preview: Here change the word example with your page ID and to choose the tabs you want to be shown, change the word timeline to the name of tab you want to be appeared. Leave ...

How to embed a YouTube video, playlist or subscribe button onto your website or blog?

Hi guys, Today I am going to tell you how you can add/embed YouTube videos, playlists and subscribe button of your channel to your website or blog.  First of all, to do this, you must have the access to JavaScript or HTML of your website or blog. It is a very easy task, you an do this even if you do not know much HTML. Here is a Demo Player you can check out as a look to how your embed player looks like. Enter the required info your way and your embed video will appear below. This was just a demo player, to embed a video like this, you can use the HTML code below:     <div id = "player" ></div>     <script>       // 2. This code loads the IFrame Player API code asynchronously.       var tag = document . createElement ( 'script' );       tag . src = "" ;       var firstScriptTag = document . getElementsByTagName ( 'scri...

How to create a Forum page for your Website or Blog?

Hi guys,  Today I am going to tell you how can you create a forum, discussion or a query page for your website or blog. Its a very simple and easy way. Here is the link to the page I created using this method or here is an images as well. So, to create a page like this, first of all you shall go to this link. This is the link to Google Groups, you can also download the android app of it from Google Play Store. Once you go there, it will ask you to sign in with your Google Account and after signing in, the home page will appear like this -     This is the home page and you will find an option to create a group in a red box present below the search bar. Go to Create a Group and a new page will appear-  I have filled some values myself, you can write them as your wish. Now, the important part is, in the end of page you will see a set of three options named Basic Permissions. First one is 'View Topics', you shall choose it as 'anyone on web...

How to create a Support or Feedback page for your Website or Blog?

Hi guys, Today I am going to tell you how can you create a support or feedback page for your website or blog. Here is an example of the page I created using this method - You can go to this link or see the images below. As you wold have seen in the images or on my page, I have created this via Google Forms. So, to create a page like this, first you shall go to Google Forms . Here on the first page, it will ask you to sign in with your Google Account and then the home page will appear this way- I have already created a page, therefore, in recent, it is showing a form named Customer Feedback. You can create any type f forms from here but for feedback you don't need to do everything from the scratch.  Above the Recent Forms, you will find a Template Gallery,    As you scroll down, you will see a form named Costumer Feedback. Just open the Costumer Feedback form and you will be able to edit it the way you want. I don't think that...

Creating an App from a Website or Blog | AppsGeyser.

Hi guys, Today I am going to tell you how you can create an App from a website you own. Its a very simple way, all you need is link to the website and you are good to go.  You can also earn money by the apps you create by showing ads on your app.   Although you just have to put the link of the website and without any verification you can create an App but you should make sure that the website you are going to turn into an App should be your own. Turning websites, you don't own, into App just  for earning money will definitely cause you many troubles. If the website owner sees your app, a copyright claim can be made on your app and your app will be deleted automatically and you might also get banned from making more apps. Also if you have earned quite a money already from that, you may have to pay fine as well which is even more than your whole earning. So, to create an app for your website, first of all, you have to go to  AppsGeyser . The home pa...

Best Screen Recorder and Editor for YouTube.

Hello guys,  Today I am going to tell you about a screen recording and editing app for android with which you can record your screen with FHD resolution and edit the videos for YouTube.  It is rated 4.8 stars on Google Play Store and is the best screen recording and editing tool for Android, Windows or IOS.  Here is a video you can check out or you can read my post further to learn the above topic. Check out our Official Android App.       I t is a very nice app called DU Recorder. You can find it on Google Play Store or can just click here for direct download. You can also stream live to YouTube and other platforms using this app.  Here is a quick view how the app looks like from inside. This app looks something like this on Google Play Store as you can see in the above image or the above video. Once you download it the app will appear this way on your screen. And once you open it it goes this way. ...

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